1943-01-23 "Little Rock, Arkansas, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Buck Rogers au 25e siècle
Mom, Can I Keep Her?
Les Naufragés du 747
L'amour à la une
Some of My Best Friends Are...
Blood Fare
George Lucas' Star Tours
Ghost Town
Fury to Freedom
Enquête dans l'impossible
Final Notice
Not Just Another Affair
Commando Earth Force
Monsters, Madmen & Machines: 80 Years of Science Fiction
International Airport
Killing Stone
Soldier's Fortune
For Love or Money
Stormin' Home
The Nice Guys
Dire Wolf
Sous le masque d'un ange
Ouragan nucléaire
Hear No Evil
Help Wanted: Male
Bone Eater - L'Esprit Des Morts
Space Captain and Callista
Air rage
Ransom for Alice!
Happy 100th Birthday, Hollywood