1929-12-24 "Los Angeles, California, USA"
Biographie - David Hudson DePatie, ou simplement David H. DePatie, né le 24 décembre 1929 à Los Angeles et mort le 23 septembre 2021 à Gig Harbor, est un producteur de cinéma et de télévision américain.
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Behind The Feline: 'The Cartoon Phenomenon'
Irreverent Imagination: The Golden Age of the Looney Tunes
Blondie & Dagwood
Pink Panic
Vitamin Pink
Halloween c'est la nuit du Grinch
Le coup du lapin
Un appel de Transylvanie
Clerow Wilson and the Miracle of P.S. 14
Mon Royaume pour un Bip Bip
Pink Elephant
Pink Lemonade
Pink Piper
Ecoutez attentivement
Slink Pink
Psst Pink
The Pink Flea
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Pink
Salmon Pink
Rocky Pink
À la recherche de Noël
La Course affolée
Chili épicé
Les Dents Modernes
Un message pour Gracias
Fric-Frac au Far-West
Senorella et le prince charmant
Nonchalanté contre-attaque
Un petit monstre tombé du ciel
Le joueur de flûte de Guadalupe
Le Royaume de Dawn
Pink Panzer
A Taste of Money
Cattle Battle
Flying Feet
Le Noël de la Panthère rose
Driving Mr. Pink
Clerow Wilson's Great Escape
Sweet and Sourdough
Gem Dandy
The Tiny Tree
Robin Goodhood
Le Lorax
War and Pieces
In the Pink of the Night
The Pink Phink
Super Mémé
Le vol du Coyote
La souris de la 57ème rue
The Great Continental Overland Cross-Country Race
Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You?
The Incredible, Indelible, Magical, Physical, Mystery Tour
Pink Tuba-Dore
The Cat in the Hat
The Hoober-Bloob Highway
Pink Pest Control
Lucky Pink
Put-Put, Pink
Sky Blue Pink
My Little Pony
Pink Pajamas
We Give Pink Stamps
Dial 'P' for Pink
Dennis the Menace in Mayday for Mother
Pink Punch
Super Pink
The Pink Blueprint
The Hand Is Pinker Than the Eye
Pink Paradise
Pink Trumpet
Pink Z-Z-Z
Supermarket Pink
Spark Plug Pink
Gong with the Pink
Extinct Pink
Pink Sphinx
Pinkadilly Circus
Psychedelic Pink
Pinto Pink
G.I. Pink
Prefabricated Pink
Sink Pink
Star Pink
Pickled Pink
Shocking Pink
Pink Ice
The Pink Tail Fly
Doctor Pink
An Ounce of Pink
Bully for Pink
Genie with the Light Pink Fur
Pink Pistons
Pink Suds
Smile Pretty, Say Pink
Reel Pink
Toro Pink
Pinktails for Two
Prehistoric Pink
Jet Pink
Pink in the Drink
Pink Breakfast
Pink Press
In the Pink
Tickled Pink
Pink Quackers
Pink of the Litter
Pink, Plunk, Plink
Pink in the Woods
The Pink Pill
String Along in Pink
Pink Posies
The Pink Quarterback
Pink Pull
Rock-A-Bye Pinky
Little Beaux Pink
Pink Bananas
Pet Pink Pebbles
Pink in the Clink
Pink Valiant
A Fly in the Pink
Yankee Doodle Pink
Come On In! The Water's Pink
Congratulations It's Pink
Pink Outs
Pink Blue Plate
The Pink of Bagdad
Cat and the Pinkstalk
Pinkcome Tax
Pink 8 Ball
Pink U.F.O.
Forty Pink Winks
The Pink Package Plot
The Pink Pro
Therapeutic Pink
Pinky Doodle
The Pink of Arabee
Pink Plasma
Pink on the Cob
Sherlock Pink
Keep Our Forests Pink
Dietetic Pink
Trail of the Lonesome Pink
Sprinkle Me Pink
Pink Daddy
Pink S.W.A.T.
Pink Lightning
Pink Streaker
Pink Pranks
Mystic Pink
Pink and Shovel
Pink Aye
The Scarlet Pinkernel
Pink Campaign
Pink DaVinci
Bobolink Pink
Pink Arcade
Pink Pictures
Pink Is a Many Splintered Thing
It's Pink But Is It Mink?
Think Before You Pink
Adventures of the Road-Runner
Le Grinch grinche le Chat chapeauté
Deux corbeaux nigauds
Un lapin dans le désert
Hawks and Doves
The Cartoon Collection
Attention Barrage
The Ant and the Aardvark
Sheriff Hoot Kloot
Il est bête ce faucon