1897-03-24 "Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, UK"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Les 39 Marches
The Prisoner of Zenda
Les Quatre Plumes blanches
Dad's Army
La martienne diabolique
Colonel Blimp
L'Héroïque Parade
La Femme reptile
A l'angle du monde
As You Like It
The Brothers
L'Abominable docteur Phibes
Junon et le Paon
No Trace
Uncle Silas
Ecole de secrets
Dangerous Moonlight
Je sais où je vais !
La vallée de l'or noir
The Fake
Bees on the Boat-Deck
Rig 20
Painter and Poet No. 1
Tread Softly
l'homme fatal
Saturday Island
Strange Stories
Old Mother Riley's Ghosts
The Demi-Paradise
The Face of Scotland
Bonnie Prince Charlie
Combat éternel
L'enlèvement de David Balfour
Laughter in Paradise
The Ghost of St. Michael's
Richard III
The Great Game
The Ware Case
Murder Reported
Siege of the Saxons
Tudor Rose
Armes secrètes
Mine Own Executioner
Justice Is a Woman
Next to No Time
Return to the Edge of the World
Laugh It Off
Chaussure à son pied
Medal for the General
Eagle Rock
The Open Door
The Agitator
Sailors Three
Le serment du chevalier noir
The Best of Morecambe and Wise
Henry V
Farewell Again
The New Lot
The Windmill
The Claydon Treasure Mystery
Ships with Wings
L'Île au trésor
East Meets West
Love in Pawn
Born That Way
Read All About It
Her Last Affaire
Gaiety George
The Gentle Sex
Ladies Who Do
Le Pavillon Rouge
Mister Ten Per Cent
Objectif Lotus
Rockets Galore
César et Cléopâtre
Don't Bother to Knock
Janek prend la fuite
Great Day
A Royal Divorce
Teeth of Steel
Hobson's Choice
Queen of Scots
Kelvin: Master of Measurement
Thank You and Goodnight