1921-01-31 "Lost Prairie, Texas, USA"
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Mars Needs Women
Naughty Dallas
La Cible humaine
The Cowboy
A Bullet for Pretty Boy
Zontar, la chose venue de Vénus
The Eye Creatures
La Sorcière nue
In the Year 2889
Curse of the Swamp Creature
Down on Us
It's Alive!
Creature of Destruction
Free, White and 21
The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald
Goodnight, Sweet Marilyn
Goodbye, Norma Jean
Mistress of the Apes
The Loch Ness Horror
Hughes and Harlow: Angels in Hell
Les fraises ont besoin de pluie
Hell Raiders
High Yellow
The Other Side of Bonnie and Clyde
Sex and the Animals
Common Law Wife
Under Age
Comanche Crossing