1917-03-22 "Plympton, Devon, England, UK"
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Billy Budd
Notre agent à La Havane
Le beau Brummel
Le miroir aux espions
Decline and Fall ...of a Birdwatcher
Le Prince et le pauvre
La marque
The Homecoming
The Chocolate Tree
The Reckoning
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Life
3 Into 2 Won't Go
The Old Curiosity Shop
Stolen Hours
The Wild and the Willing
Murder in the Cathedral
Nothing Lasts Forever
Circle of Deception
Les Procès d'Oscar Wilde
Honeymoon Postponed
The Abdication
The Pot Carriers
No Love for Johnnie
The Beachcomber
He Who Rides a Tiger
Life for Ruth
Les Souliers de saint Pierre
The Third Secret
Cleavers: Killer Clowns
Le dixième homme
I Want What I Want
Lost in the Stars
Butterflies Don't Count
The Executioner
Look at Life: The Silent Change