1884-09-02 "Binghamton, New York, USA"
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The Illumination
How She Won Him
A Tale of Two Cities
The Inherited Taint
The Butterfly
The Moonshine Maid and the Man
The Wooing of Winifred
For Her Brother's Sake
The Sleep Walker
Barriers Burned Away
The Lure of Vanity
Treasure Trove
Underneath the Paint
The Breath of Araby
A Princess of Bagdad
The Still, Small Voice
A Quaker Mother
She Came, She Saw, She Conquered
The Death of King Edward III
Snatched from a Burning Death
Miss Jekyll and Madame Hyde
The Common Sin
For Love and Glory
By Woman's Wit
Ups and Downs
Madge of the Mountains
An Aeroplane Elopement
The Girl and the Sheriff
The Freshet
A Reformed Santa Claus
Where the Money Went
A Problem in Reduction
Her Boy
The Love of John Ruskin
The Old Silver Watch
The Serpents
Yellow Bird
The Miracle
The Heart of Esmeralda
The Party Dress
Becky, Becky
Alixe; or, the Test of Friendship
The Sleep of Cyma Roget
Vampire of the Desert
The Wife of Cain
Vanity Fair
An Innocent Theft
The Show Girl
A Sister to Carmen
The Strange Story of Sylvia Gray