1914-09-13 "Tilford, Surrey, England, UK"
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Made In Ealing: The Story of Ealing Studios
Power on the Land: The Story of the Mechanisation of British Farming
Hamburger Hill
Noblesse oblige
Élémentaire, mon cher… Lock Holmes
Parfum de scandale
Strange Experiment
I Believe in You
A Question of Adultery
The Man in the Sky
Le Club des Libertins
La Mer cruelle
To Catch a King
Madame Sin
Trahison à Athènes
Secret People
Murder in the Family
Robin des bois
Le Mystère de la bête humaine
La lampe bleue
Touch and Go
The Gentle Gunman
Cage of Gold
The Hard Way
A Jolly Bad Fellow
Memory of the Camps
Les Trafiquants du Dunbar
A Month by the Lake
The Scarlet Pimpernel
German Concentration Camps Factual Survey
Le Club des monstres
The Crooked Road
And Now the Screaming Starts!
Light Up the Sky!
Le Voleur de Bagdad
Something to Believe In
Les Bonnes
La Maison qui tue
Diamonds for Breakfast
Five Towns
We Serve
A Christmas Carol
Je suis un monstre
Scott of the Antarctic
Hand in Hand
Turtle Diary
Who Done It?
Out of Chaos
Sodome et Gomorrhe
The Lady from Lisbon
Nasty Habits
La nuit ou mon destin s'est joué
Sabotage at Sea
Wombling Free
Bobby des Greyfriars
La guerre des nerfs
Jig-Saw: Careless Talk Costs Lives