1931-06-09 "Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA"
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Les nouveaux exploits de Shaft
The Hustler of Muscle Beach
Le Fauve
Tonnerre de feu
Mo' Money
Les copains d'Eddie Coyle
Le Dernier Samaritain
Panique à Needle Park
New York, deux heures du matin
Flesh and Lace
Dead Genesis
Moonlighting Wives
The Girl on the Late, Late Show
Cover Up
Don Angelo est mort
Zandy's Bride
Le Vieil Homme et la Mer
My Body Hungers
Auggie Rose
The Blue Knight
The Rockford Files: A Blessing in Disguise
The Rockford Files: If the Frame Fits...
The Rockford Files: I Still Love L.A.
The Rockford Files: Godfather Knows Best
The Rockford Files: Punishment and Crime
Deadly Desire
The Selling of Vince D'Angelo
Le Détective
Deadline: Madrid
The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
Trial by Jury
The Legend of Nigger Charley
Art Deco Detective
Beverly Hills Brats
The Rockford Files: Friends and Foul Play
The Rockford Files: Shoot-Out at the Golden Pagoda
The Rockford Files: If It Bleeds... It Leads
The Abduction of Allison Tate
The Ratings Game
Haute Corruption
L'Homme d'Elysian Fields
Carol for Another Christmas
A Matter of Wife... and Death
Warm Nights and Hot Pleasures
The Rockford Files