1892-03-10 "Towanda, Pennsylvania, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
La fille de la 5e avenue
A Smash-Up In China
Cartoons in the Country
Mon homme Godfrey
Pension d'artistes
Le Lys du ruisseau
She Married Her Boss
Tais-toi mon cœur
Symphony of Six Million
Unfinished Business
Gabriel au-dessus de la Maison-Blanche
The Half-Naked Truth
Mondes privés
Mademoiselle Palmer et son Psychiatre
The Affairs of Cellini
Bed of Roses
The Age of Consent
Gallant Lady
Living in a Big Way
Big News
Policy and Pie
So's Your Old Man
Running Wild
Smart Woman
Laugh and Get Rich
What Every Woman Knows
Krazy and Ignatz Discuss the Letter 'G'
One Good Turn Deserves Another
Saturday's Children
Say It Again
Paradise for Two
The Gay Defender
Throwing the Bull
Cartoons in a Seminary
His First Command
The Breath of a Nation
Un caprice de Vénus
Cartoons in the Hotel
His Nibs
Sharks Is Sharks
Der Captain Discovers the North Pole
Der Captain Is Examined for Insurance
The New School Teacher
Knocking the 'H' Out of Heinie
Let's Get Married
Introducing Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse
The Spider and the Fly
A Heathen Benefit
The Four Orphans
Half a Bride
The Pill Pounder
Smokey Smokes
Kats Is Kats
Restless Wives
Doing His Bit