1958-08-17 "Detroit, Michigan, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
Invaluable: The True Story of an Epic Artist
The Case of the Topanga Pearl
Other Men's Careers
One by One We Will Take You: The Untold Saga of The Evil Dead
Stryker's War
Imp of the Perverse
Thou Shalt Not Kill... Except
Oedipus Rex
Evil Dead 2
Evil Dead 3 : L'Armée des ténèbres
Torro. Torro. Torro!
Lunatics: A Love Story
Alien Apocalypse
Acting and Reacting
Hercule et le labyrinthe du Minotaure
Running Time
Les ailes démoniaques
If I Had A Hammer
Cleveland Smith, Bounty Hunter
The Blind Waiter
Holding It
Morning, Noon & Night
Hit List
Evil Dead