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Ils ne tuent que leurs maîtres
La Fureur du Juste
Desert Alien
Journey from Darkness
The Night Stalker
La Fureur sauvage
Bless the Beasts & Children
The Forgotten Man
Sort of a Commercial for an Icebag
The Phynx
The Rules of Marriage
Cover Me Babe
Folies d'avril
Mrs. Sundance
Fun and Games
When the Circus Came to Town
The Night the City Screamed
Silent Victory: The Kitty O'Neil Story
Le Faiseur d'épouvantes
One Is a Lonely Number
Dial M for Murder
Earth II
Advice to the Lovelorn
A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story
The Cracker Factory
The Bastard
Notre agent de Harlem
La Vengeance des abeilles sauvages
Les Insectes de feu
Trouble Man
The Last Survivors
Climb an Angry Mountain
Model Shop
Ode to Billy Joe
The Morning After
Master Ninja
Mission: Impossible vs. the Mob
A Tattered Web
Death Stalk
Number One
Parent Trap: Hawaiian Honeymoon