1920-10-22 "Springfield, Massachusetts, USA"
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Silicon Valley Story
Cheech & Chong - Gelés ben dur
Rude Awakening
How To Operate Your Brain
Cityscrapes: Los Angeles
Roadside Prophets
Larry Flynt for President
At Folsom Prison with Dr. Timothy Leary
Hofmann's Potion: The Pioneers of LSD
Conceiving Ada
Stupor Mundi: Livre 2, Les Hommes qui mangèrent la montagne
Charles Manson, le démon d'Hollywood
The Source
Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me
Fried Shoes Cooked Diamonds
Fix: The Ministry Movie
Dying to Know: Ram Dass & Timothy Leary
Fatal Skies
The Psychedelic Experience
Surviving You, Always
Breathing Together: Revolution of the Electric Family
How To Go Out of Your Mind: The LSD Crisis
Tim Leary: The Art of Dying
The Transcendental Object at the End of Time
Expanding Visions: An Introduction to the New Age Movement
We're All Devo
LSD: Trip to Where?
You’re Nobody Till Somebody Loves You
Night Visions
Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
Return Engagement
Mission Mind Control
John & Yoko's Year of Peace
NBC television special: The Pursuit of Pleasure
Bill's Hat
Tom Snyder's Electric Kool-Aid Talk Show
Medium Rare
Energy!!! The Movie
Growing Up in America
How the Beatles Changed the World
Peyote to LSD: A Psychedelic Odyssey
Diaries, Notes, and Sketches
Beyond Life: Timothy Leary Lives
My Psychedelic Love Story
Nema aviona za Zagreb
Ted & Venus
Anarchy TV
Bed Peace
John & Yoko Bed-In
John Lilly and the Earth Coincidence Control Office