1936-09-20 "Rhiwbina, Wales"
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The 50 Greatest Television Dramas
Andrew Davies: Rewriting the Classics
Pride and Prejudice: From Page to Screen
Le Journal de Bridget Jones
The Tailor of Panama
B. Monkey
Circle of Friends
Brideshead Revisited
Bridget Jones : L'âge de raison
A Room with a View
Légions : Les Guerriers de Rome
The Chatterley Affair
Les Trois Mousquetaires
Lucky Sunil
Anna Lee: Headcase
Inappropriate Behaviour
A Private Life
A Rather English Marriage
A Poet in New York
The Old Devils
Filipina Dreamgirls
Time After Time
Consuming Passions
L'abbaye de Northanger
The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders
Fanny Hill
The Diary of a Nobody
Sleep With Me
The Imp of the Perverse
Is That Your Body, Boy
Harnessing Peacocks
A Few Short Journeys of the Heart
Getting Hurt
Katharine Hepburn: une légende du cinéma
The Signalman
Bill's New Frock
Deux sœurs pour un roi
Bavarian Night
Ball-Trap On The Cote Sauvage
A Very Polish Practice
Fearless Frank
A Martyr to the System
Renoir, My Father