1923-03-21 "Lincoln, Nebraska, USA"
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Doux oiseau de jeunesse
The Invisible Boy
Calloway, le trappeur
Hangar 18
Prophet of Evil: The Ervil LeBaron Story
Cops and Robin
Dumbo: A Lesson in Being Prepared
Pumpkin Man
Bambi: A Lesson in Perseverance
A Lesson in Honesty
Cinderella: A Lesson in Compromise
A Computer Glossary
The Army Game
Starry Night
Tail Gunner Joe
Le Grand Retour
The Fantastic World of D.C. Collins
Le Premier Pouvoir
La nuit des maris
Nightmare in Chicago
L'Homme de Bornéo
Escape from Bogen County
Savannah Smiles
Spring Awakening
Alice in Wonderland: A Lesson in Appreciating Differences
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Lesson in Cooperation
Lady and the Tramp: A Lesson in Sharing Attention
101 Dalmatians: A Lesson in Self-Assertion
The Fox and the Hound: A Lesson in Caution
The Jungle Book: A Lesson in Accepting Change
Future Cop: Cops and Robin
Under the Law Part II: 3 Days in the County Jail
Under the Law: The Hitchhike