1926-04-30 "Des Moines, Iowa, USA"
Lien vers la page IMDB de la personne
La Folle Histoire du monde
Butch Cassidy et le Kid
Frankenstein Junior
Making Frankensense of Young Frankenstein
Le Géant de fer
Daisy Miller
Les Allumés de Beverly Hills
Le Cœur à l'épreuve
Scavenger Hunt
L'École fantastique
Jessie et le petit renne du Père Noël
La Coccinelle à Mexico
La Dernière Séance
Le Grand Frisson
Souvenirs d'un été
Mi-temps au mitard
La Musique de mon cœur
L'Héritier à 4 Pattes
Le Lutin magique
The Women
Mel Brooks: Make a Noise
The Mary Tyler Moore Reunion
Lovers and Other Strangers
The Mouse and His Child
American Cowslip
Expecting Mary
Encore Toi !
Death Sentence
The North Avenue Irregulars
Alex & Emma
En quatrième vitesse
Perfectly Frank: Frank Loesser Revued
Les Croods
Yabba Dabba Doo! The Happy World of Hanna-Barbera
Miss All-American Beauty
Picture This: The Times of Peter Bogdanovich in Archer City, Texas
Le supplice des aveux
The Californians
Hansel et Gretel
Between Love and Honor
Doubles Jumelles, doubles problèmes
The Demon Murder Case
La disparition
Manna from Heaven
S.O.S. Titanic
Gambit, arnaque à l’anglaise
Terres de sang
Crazy Mama
Charley et l'Ange
Ernie Kovacs: Between the Laughter
The People Next Door
Mister Gaffes
The Oogieloves in The Big Balloon Adventure
Happy Mother's Day, Love George
Haunts of the Very Rich
It Happened One Christmas
In Broad Daylight
Les Liaisons coupables
The Giant of Thunder Mountain
Someone I Touched
Thursday's Game
The Amati Girls
Maux d'amour
Témoin à louer
Suddenly Single
A Brand New Life
Without a Kiss Goodbye
The Acorn People
Being and Nothingness
The Migrants
Mon Petit Poney, Le Film
Lake Placid 2
Silent Night, Lonely Night
Annabelle, Un amour de petite Vache
Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Living Pharmacists
La Belle Vie
Manuel de survie à l'apocalypse zombie
New York, I Love You
Les Muppets : Ça c'est du cinéma !
Going to the Chapel
Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget
The Facts of Life Down Under
Caméra sur cour
Everbrook (The Home)
So B. It
A Little Piece of Heaven
Advice to the Lovelorn
This Is Happening
The Oldest Living Graduate
Raccroche !
Nobody's Girls: Five Women of the West
Baby, Baby, Baby
Le Piano magique de Sparky
Dixie: Changing Habits
Adult World
The Last Picture Show: A Look Back
Is That a Gun in Your Pocket?
A Girl Named Sooner
Deadly Intentions
The Bronx Bull
The Comedian
Mary Tyler Moore: A Celebration
Beavis et Butt-Head se font l'Amérique
Mrs. R's Daughter
Le Petit Prince des Trolls
Long Journey Back
Scary Movie 4
La Voix du pardon
Mary Tyler Moore: The 20th Anniversary Show
Shadow Play
Mrs. Harris
Les Croods 2 : Une nouvelle ère
When We Last Spoke
Lez Bomb
The Steagle
Crime Club
Never Too Late
Hitchcock and Mel: Spoofing the Master of Suspense
Donald Duck's 50th Birthday
The Woman Who Willed a Miracle
Death Scream
Love Is Never Silent
It's Who You Know
My Boyfriend's Back
High Holiday
My Darling
Enzian: When the Lights Go Up
Miracle Child
Telly... Who Loves Ya, Baby?
Dear Diary: World's First Pranks
Not to Forget
A Wig and a Prayer: The Peaches Christ Story
Of Thee I Sing
Animal ! L'animal
The Titanic Chronicles
La Nouvelle Croisière
Forgotten Children
Obsession: Letters to David Lynch
Bad Santa
Inglourious Basterds