1929-04-01 "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA"
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The Fast and the Furious
La Petite boutique des horreurs
Not of This Earth
It Conquered the World
Naked Paradise
Day the World Ended
Monster from the Ocean Floor
Blood Bath
Carnival Rock
The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent
Stakeout on Dope Street
Teenage Cave Man
Apache Woman
Ghost of the China Sea
Forbidden Island
That Guy Dick Miller
Invisible Mom II
Monster Madness: Mutants, Space Invaders, and Drive-Ins
L'Horrible Cas du docteur X
À l'est d'Eden
Swamp Women
5 Fusils À l'Ouest
The Oklahoma Woman
Descente aux enfers
Rock All Night
The Phantom Eye
L'Affaire Al Capone
Le Monde de Corman
Invasion of the Star Creatures
Another Nice Mess
11th Victim
Medium Cool
The Beast with a Million Eyes
Female Jungle
L'Enterré vivant